In the News

The importance of language

Liz Blamire

18th January 2023

'Doctors discuss my daughter like she's nothing' - the BBC are reporting on the importance of language for person-centred care. What we say and how we say it can have a huge impact on other people and never more so than in health and social care.

Choice of language can either build trust or mistrust between professionals and individuals, it can empower or disempower service users and it can also cause confusion and anxiety. Good communication includes the correct use of language that is kind, compassionate, respectful and empowering.

For more discussion on the use of language in healthcare, see this article in the British Medical Journal Presenting complaint: use of language that disempowers patients

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Liz Blamire

Liz is a former NHS midwife, who has worked in community, birth centre and acute hospital settings. Liz is an SSAT Accredited Lead Practitioner, who has taught Health and Social Care in FE and secondary schools, where she was a successful HOD. Liz is an experienced senior examiner and author and is the current tutor2u subject lead for Health and Social Care.

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